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Special Hockey

Special Hockey

The Alaska Avalanche Special Hockey Team is an inclusive hockey program for players with intellectual or developmental disabilities of all ages. 

The goal of Special Hockey is to give people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the chance to play the sport of ice hockey in an environment which is adapted to their level of ability. Special Hockey emphasizes players to have fun through teamwork, social interaction, and improving their quality of life.  The team is made up ages and levels of experience. We train on the basics of skating, puck handling, shooting, and scrimmaging weekly (during the season).

2024-25 Season Schedule
December 5th- March 20th at the Sullivan Arena


For more information or to get involved please contact Brandon.

For more information about Special Hockey or for links to other Special Hockey programs around the country please check out the American Special Hockey Association's Website.

Challenge Alaska is a
501(c)(3) organization

EIN: 92-0080897

740 Bonanza Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99518

P: 907-344-7399
F: 907-344-7349

426 Crystal Mountain Road
(Mailing: PO Box 1166)
Girdwood, AK 99587

P: 907-783-2925
F: 907-344-7349